This is Mesa Verde NP--home of "cliff dwellers"---a group of Ancestral Puebloans who lived here between 1100 and 1300 A.D. Amazing, isn't it? This particular cliff-dwelling is called Cliff Palace and we took a guided tour with a ranger to take a closer look at these very unique homes. In this view, we are way up on top of the cliff...and we are g
oing to climb our way down
to the ancient dwellings and listen to our guide tell us about the homes and the people and then we are going to clim
b back out again.

I tried not to think about the fact that we were on the side of a cliff and there was at least 500 ft. between us and the ground. Even a teenager thought this was a "cool" tour.
There are more places to see in Mesa Verde like Balcony House which requires much more climbing of ladders, crawling through tunnels, and steep and narrow walkways and I figured I was better off leaving well enough alone.
We drove to 4 corners monument in Navajo country where the states of Colorado, Arizona Utah, and New Mexico meet.
Jesse met a fellow Steelers fan here and Randy and I tried a "Navajo taco"

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