From Buffalo, we decided to head to Thermopolis--the largest hot springs. We have never been to a hot springs before and we wanted to be able to go into one. We stayed in Eagle RV park on Hwy 20 and after setting up camp and letting Randy take a nap--we headed out to Hot Springs State Park with bathing suits and towels in hand. Keep in mind it's sunny outside but only 60 degrees and we weren't sure how this was going to work. Inside the SP they have a state bath house with an indoor soaking area and an outdoor area and it's free for a 20 minute soak (20 min. is max time). The temp. of the water is 104 degrees so we boldly decided to soak outside. It was heaven once you get past the smell, that is. Jesse almost didn't (get past the smell) but I convinced him it was normal.
After our soak, we took a walk to see the actual springs and the weird fomations the deposits
make and we came across this "swing bridge" where despite my fear of heights I went across that bridge and back...of course, Randy thought it was funny to stand at the end of the bridge while I was still coming back and bounce the bridge and shake it as much as possible. Needless to say, I called him some names.

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